The Happy Runner by David and Megan Roche is probably the best book about running that is also about much more than running. Their outlook and messages can be broadly applied outside of the sport. I believe this book, especially the first half, will resonate with all who strive for anything, whether your pursuits are athletic, creative, or just living.
The first half of the book explores the mental aspects of running, introducing the concept of a “happy runner.” So, what does it mean to be a happy runner?
According to the Roches, “The goal of a happy runner is developing a perspective that allows you to find the magic in the mundane” (pg. 2). One thing I love about this message is that you could replace “runner” with absolutely anything—mountaineer, climber, writer, beekeeper, accountant—and it would still be true.
Many books that offer insights on the internal aspects of training talk about grit, determination, commitment, and mental training to endure. While these are important, this book encourages us to prop up our so-called selves—self-confidence, self-worth, self-esteem. Afterall, mental fortitude is great, but if you aren’t enjoying yourself, if you can’t derive these selves from inside, how can you keep yourself going? Our bodies break down, whether through injury, age, or both. Everything is not a win or a personal best, but we can find our “why,” that intrinsic motivation to keep us going and the topic of Chapter 2.
As the Roches explain, their “why for both life and running” is “unconditional love” (pg. xii), which links appropriately to what basically amounts to their motto: “you are freaking awesome.” Throughout the book, they approach this intense, joyful positivity through pop culture and sports references and self-aware humor that feels appropriately goofy at times. It’s an optimistic outlook that might seem cheesy and performative from some people. But from them, it feels like you are getting advice and encouragement from your best friends who happen to be complete strangers. Part of the authenticity of their message is that they share their own struggles and experiences, and they don’t sugarcoat anything. They fully acknowledge that running—like life—can suck, but what’s important is “that no matter what, you are enough” (pg. 26).
It’s this combination of finding your “why” and unconditional self-acceptance that leads to the heart of their book: “Embrace the process, and you may find contentedness (and every other emotion that adds richness to life) along the way, reaching your long-term potential too. Focus on results, and there’s a good chance you’ll never win in the end” (pg. 13).
The second part of the book is where they focus on the “how”: those finer details of the running process, which could be broadly applied across athletics, even if the individual components are targeted to running. Some of the topics included in this section are specificity, health, and longevity in training.
In an homage to finding your “why,” I’ll elaborate on a couple of mine:
Why would I choose to write a book review in 2021 for a book that came out in 2019?
Although I tend to be a somewhat prolific reader, I’m also kind of a late reader, a behind reader. The book had been on my radar since it came out because I do love reading David Roche’s informative yet hilarious contributions to Trail Runner Magazine, but it took me some time to get to it. Especially because when the book came out, I didn’t really consider myself a “runner” since I don’t train for races anymore. However, I started listening to the Roche’s delightful podcast Some Work, All Play on my way to and from work, which made me eager to hear more of their particular combination of informative nuggets mixed with sports trivia, TMI, and dog anecdotes. So, I finally picked it up, or rather purchased and downloaded it to my Kindle.
Now, I generally hate when people use the oft-repeated expression “life changing” to describe everything from a vacation to a taco. But for me, this book was low-key life changing. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say “mind changing” or “perspective changing” or “attitude changing” or even “habit changing” (which let’s face it, these are what many people mean when they talk about their epic vacation).
The combination of one (probably more) of their podcasts where they discussed the concept of “shoot your shot” and their message of “enjoying the process” from the book inspired me to write this blog, along with other writing-related efforts still in process.
Aaaand, this brings us to my second “why”:
Why start a blog when nobody read them anymore?
It’s a good question really, and one I do ask myself frequently. After all, I could just write, as I have for most of my life, quietly into my countless folders and files of unfinished and half-started projects. I could toil away editing and re-editing and re-writing and re-editing a few “finished” pieces in perpetuity.
While I love the act and experience of writing, the process if you will, all processes should have a culmination and a goal, even if you fail to reach it. Having a concrete end for my writing and a home for it gives me much more satisfaction than letting it wilt on my hard drive, the cloud, and my back-up USB, even if few read it. In the end, I’d rather be shouting unheard into the void than sitting and quietly waiting for time pass.
Source: Roche, David; Roche, Megan. The Happy Runner. Human Kinetics. Kindle Edition.