Last weekend, we opted for a different type of excursion, walking between the towns of Morata de Tajuña and Chinchón, which are both located in the Madrid region (Comunidad de Madrid) and easily accessible by bus. We started in Morata de Tajuña, quickly passing the main square and heading to the outskirts of the town …
This past weekend, I returned to the Guadarrama mountain range, the same mountain range of Peñalara and La Pedriza, but in a new place for me – La Peñota. At a little more than 6, 000 feet (1,900 meters), La Peñota consists of three small peaks that provide an easy but fun rock scramble to …
Not all weekends can be filled with snowy slopes, icy crevasses, and striking landscapes. Some are filled with relaxation, culture, near leisure, and rabbits. “Rabbits?” you say. “What about rabbits.” Supposedly, the name “Hispania” is a Roman alteration of the Carthaginian name “Ispania,” which means “land of rabbits.” (Source: Wikipedia) And it is indeed. There …
Peñalara is the highest peak in the Guadarrama mountain range (Sierra de Guadarrama) within the Madrid region at about 7,965 feet (2,428 meters) high. It can be a quick climb depending on one’s fitness, as the most commonly used trails begin at Puerto de Cotos, which is already at about 6,000 feet (1,830 meters). It’s …
I have a love/hate relationship with La Pedriza. Or, maybe more of a cautious almost enjoyment/hate relationship. Let me explain: La Pedriza is a fascinating feature of the Guadarrama mountain range outside the city of Madrid (but inside the Madrid region) in the town of Manzanares. It is primarily made up of giant granite cliffs …